
Latest News

February 16, 2019

A Youtube Channel Might be Coming!

It is still undecided on whether or not we'll have a YouYube channel to aid website traffic and get into the field of videos for viewers, but it is something we're looking into now. I think you would love watching our content that we create as well as read posts on our site, Daily Gamer. We have very little experience in making videos on a mainstream platform like Youtube, so we'll try to learn as much as we can before we launch the channel, if we decide to go with it. 

And if we do have a channel, we need a channel name. There are a lot of YouTubers out there with almost the same or exact name as the Daily Gamer, so to boost search results, we'd need a creative name pertaining to the Daily Gamer. We'd love your suggestions of a channel name and if we pick yours, you may be featured in the first video. Simply just comment down below. 


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